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45.00 - 55.00 GBP Daily: Anonymous: Teacher Assistants Urgently Needed!!Are you reliable, honest and hard working?Do you want the opportunity to make a difference in children�s learning Swansea
£75 - £85 per day: ASQ EDUCATION: A great opportunity has opened up for an enthusiastic graduate to act as pupil support within a top mainstream school. London
65.00 - 70.00 GBP Daily: Anonymous: SEND Support Specialists/LSA Required Work Now Reflective PayProtocol Education�s Secondary division are Recruiting! Are you a great Teaching Assistan Surrey
About a career with Elis Elis is an international multi-service provider, offering textile, hygiene and facility services solutions. Present in Europe and Latin America, we are a leader in most of the 29 countries in which we operate, employing...
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