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130.00 - 150.00 GBP Daily: Anonymous: Calling all KS1 & KS2 teachers - Full-time role - Starting SeptTeaching Personnel are seeking highly motivated and driven individual on behalf of an o Greater London
150.00 - 200.00 GBP Daily: Anonymous: TLTP are currently seeking a PE teacher to work in PRU in Hillingdon on Wednesdays and Thursdays with their Key Stage 3 & 4 students on a long term ba Greater London
Hours: Part-time (32.4 hours per week) Contract: Permanent Salary: 28,782 - 39,665 per annum (actual salary) Closing Date: 12/01/2024 Location: Hammersmith Campus About us: At West London College, we are committed to championing innovation and...
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