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The College of Public Health is seeking a tenure-track faculty member in Epidemiology. The faculty member will be expected to pursue activities required for promotion and tenure, including teaching, research, and service. The faculty member will...
The University of Kentucky (UK) Markey Cancer Center (MCC) invites applications for a faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level depending on qualifications. The MCC seeks candidates with expertise in identifying multi-level...
The University of Kentucky (UK) Markey Cancer Center (MCC) invites applications for a faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level depending on qualifications. The MCC seeks candidates with expertise in identifying multi-level...
The Royal Veterinary College, University of London - Pathobiology & Population Sciences<br />Salary: £39,719 to £50,519 per annum including London Weighting
The Public Health Infection Preventionist will oversee the management of the infection control process. This person will be responsible for developing and implementing systems to monitor infection prevention and control measures; designing data...
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Dynamics<br />Salary: £52,199 to £72,092 per annum (inclusive of London Weighting), Assistant Professor or Associate...
The College of Medicine seeks a dynamic academic and research driven innovative leader to serve as its next Chair for the Department of Behavioral Science and invites applications for the position. This is a unique opportunity to build upon a...
The University of Kentucky College of Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Practice, Center for Oral Health Research is seeking applications for a tenure track position, at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor. The College of Dentistry...
The Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health is seeking an Associate or Professor to develop or continue his or her own area of research in occupational health and/or injury prevention, and engage in collaborative research with...
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