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Queen's University Belfast - QUB - Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights<br />Salary: Please see advert
The University of Edinburgh<br />Salary: Not specified
University of Birmingham - School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences<br />Salary: Funding covers an annual stipend
£18,000 per annum: Rosalind Franklin Institute: The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a new national institute, funded by the UK government through UK Research and Innovation, dedicated... OX11 0FA, Didcot
University of Birmingham - School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences<br />Salary: Funding covers an annual stipend
The University of Manchester - Mathematics<br />Salary: £19,237 for 2024/25
University of Birmingham - School of Physics and Astronomy<br />Salary: Fully-funded scholarship for UK students includes tuition fees and a living stipend.
Swansea University - Engineering<br />Salary: £19,237
University of Birmingham - School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences<br />Salary: Funding covers an annual stipend
University of Birmingham - School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences<br />Salary: Funding covers an annual stipend
University of Exeter - BUS<br />Salary: £21,161
Swansea University - Animal Behaviour<br />Salary: £19,237. Funding covers tuition fees, a stipend (£19,237 p/a in 2024/25) plus an allowance for research/training costs, fieldwork, conference attendance and a 3-month...
University of Leeds - School of Civil Engineering<br />Salary: £19,237 per year for 3.5 years
University of Birmingham - School of Metallurgy and Material<br />Salary: £18,622
University of Birmingham - School of Biosciences<br />Salary: Fully-funded studentship
University of Exeter - BUS<br />Salary: £21,161
SAERI (Falklands) Limited, St. Helena, South Atlantic, £25,000 pa. SAERI (Falklands) Limited is seeking a spatial data analyst to deliver its MOVE ON project in St. Helena. The South Atlantic region has recently been undertaking a...
University of Exeter - BUS<br />Salary: £21,161
The University of Edinburgh - Laboratory for Mechanical Systems Engineering<br />Salary: Tuition fees + stipend are available for Home/EU and International students
University of Leeds - School of Civil Engineering<br />Salary: £19,237 per year for 3.5 years
University of Plymouth - Geology<br />Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes a stipend from £19,237 per annum 2024-25 rate (2025-26 UKRI rate TBC)
Competitive: Anonymous: We are looking for exceptional Multi-Engine Flight Instructors to join our highly skilled and professional team at Skyborne HQ. Those with previous ai Wiltshire
Swansea University - Computer Science<br />Salary: £19,237
De Montfort University (DMU) is an ambitious, globally-minded institution with a relentless focus on delivering quality teaching and learning and a campus-wide focus on providing a sector-leading student experience. A culturally rich university...
Fully funded position with competitive salary: CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: The next PhD Program at CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine in Vienna will start in October 2018. We offer 15...
The School of Information Science (SIS) in the College of Communication and Information at the University of Kentucky (UK) invites applications for a Lecturer with an anticipated start date of Aug. 16, 2021. Qualifications/Responsibilities: This...
£32,816 - £40,322: University of Cambridge: We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral Research Associate to drive a multi-disciplinary project at the MRC Toxicology Unit... Cambridgeshire (GB)
The University of Kentucky College of Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Practice, Center for Oral Health Research is seeking applications for a tenure track position, at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Professor. The College of Dentistry...
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