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20.00 - 21.00 GBP Hourly: Anonymous: Registered Nurse - Neuro Rehabilitation Service - SurreyI�m currently recruiting for a experienced Registered General Nurses to work in a rural area i Surrey
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The primary...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The primary...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The primary...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The primary...
RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting, angiogram, and embolization The...
* Internal Employee Being Considered RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting,...
* Internal Employee Being Considered RNs in this area are responsible for the preparation for and recovery of patients undergoing diagnostic and/or therapeutic neuro and vascular procedures such as thrombectomy, thrombolysis, coiling, stenting,...
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