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GBP13.50 per hour: Anonymous: To increase testing for COVID-19, the Government has significantly increased the number of centres where key workers can be tested. As the programme r Kent
Competitive: Anonymous: THE NHS NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!!Due to the covid19 virus the hospitals across the north east are starting to become stretched and need your support We are Gateshead
Competitive: Anonymous: THE NHS NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!!Due to the covid19 virus the hospitals across the north east are starting to become stretched and need your support We are Gateshead
Primary duties include general call center activities and call routing for UKHealthcare services. Responsibilities including arrival call to support the COVID19 pandemic response, forwarding calls to appropriate clinics and departments;...
Up to £40,000 depending on experience: WEST LONDON ZONE: This role will play a vital part in our planned growth for next year, with Trusts & Foundations at the forefront of our fundraising strategy Home working during COVID19, normal...
To co-ordinate and oversee the day to day operation of the Assessment Centre, managing sessions to optimise productivity and customer service, meeting and greeting all customers and visitors and working with clinical colleagues to ensure smooth...
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