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University of Wales, Trinity Saint David<br />Salary: £57,696 to £64,914 pro rata per annum
£43,300: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO): We are currently at an interesting moment in our development. London (Central), London (Greater)
The University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY seeks an exceptional full-time Radiologist for a clinical faculty position in the Division of Neuroradiology at the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center. This position will be evening shift. The Department...
The University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY seeks an exceptional full-time Radiologist for a clinical faculty position in the Division of Neuroradiology at the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center. This position will be working day shift. The...
The University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY seeks an exceptional full-time Radiologist for a clinical faculty position beginning July 1, 2021 in the Division of Emergency or Abdominal Radiology. The Department serves patients from the local...
The College of Medicine seeks a dynamic academic and research driven innovative leader to serve as its next Chair for the Department of Behavioral Science and invites applications for the position. This is a unique opportunity to build upon a...
The University of Kentucky seeks and exceptional full-time Radiologist, in the Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. The division provides dedicated teaching to medical students, residents, and fellows. Clinical experience and...
This Epidemiologist (Data Visualization Specialist) will be able to turn data into community-facing data summaries that allow the Markey Cancer Center to effectively deliver data-focused information to those living in the Commonwealth. This...
The University of Kentucky and the NCI-designated Markey Cancer Center are seeking a Board Certified/Board Eligible Hematologist or Hematologist/Oncologist. Rapid growth in our division necessitates additions to our faculty team in the Department...
The Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion within the College of Education at the University of Kentucky is seeking candidates for an advanced assistant or associate professor position (tenure eligible) in Health Promotion, effective...
The Division of Nephrology, Bone and Mineral Metabolism at the University of Kentucky (UK) is seeking an innovative, academic and clinically focused nephrologist to assume the role of Medical Director of Kidney Transplantation. This individual...
The University of Kentucky College of Health Sciences is currently seeking a Department of Physician Assistant Studies Chair and Program Director. The successful candidate will have a proven ability to provide innovative leadership to propel the...
The School of Journalism and Media in the College of Communication and Information at the University of Kentucky invites applications for a full-time lecturer position with an anticipated start date of January 1 or August 1, 2021. The lecturer...
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