We have three extra care supported living services for older people with additional needs in the Bromley borough. We are looking for befriender volunteers who would like to spend time with our residents on a weekly basis. Initially the befriender role will involve bringing together residents from across the three sites to the communal area and running a coffee morning. Here you will help to set up for the coffee morning, moving tables and chairs where necessary, prepare refreshments and provide companionship to the people attending, whilst understanding and respecting boundaries. Once you have built a connection there will be an opportunity to develop the role and spend time in the local community. This could include going for a walk, a trip to a local café, or accessing the local library. As a volunteer with Creative Support we offer training for your role, access to a volunteer supervisor, an induction, a monthly Volunteer newsletter, and an online volunteer?s peer support group. Volunteer Duties ? Prepare and hand out refreshments during the event. ? Circulate during the event chatting with attendees and making sure the atmosphere is light and fun. ? Wash up the cups and plates, and tidy away to ensure the room is returned to its original use. ? Spend time with service users in the local community, going for a walk or visiting local amenities. ? Report any concerns to Creative Support staff members. ? Attend regular supervisions and undertake all training provided.